Tuesday, May 29, 2012



Creating a hotspot or access point did not really make a difference denganm make the router, but on the plus to enable wireless and DHCP server on our router. But of course the equipment and complete facilities on the router to support the access point. So this means access point router to function as a server router, DHCP server and the wireless transmitter.

A. The first step is to install 2 dilakuakan yitu the first cable from the cable ISP WAN coming into the area and the cable leading to the client is installed on the LAN area (usually more than one for the LAN port)

2. Once the cable is then plugged into the new setting process is to open the internet browser on a client PC. Then to type defaults to IP so there is no user name and password. The contents of the admin user name and password then leave blank and enter

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Recursion is a programming technique that causes a function / procedure calls itself.Calling yourself this continues until the smallest limit value of the function is explicitly mentioned.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class pangkat{
      friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, pangkat&);
      friend istream& operator>>(istream&, pangkat&);
             void hasil(int b);
             int hasil1();
              float a,h;
              int p,i;

Thursday, May 10, 2012

example program sorting

# Include <iostream># Include <conio.h>
int data [100], data2 [100];int n;
void exchange (int a, int b){int t;t = data [b];data [b] = data [a];data [a] = t;}
bubble_sort void (){for (int i = 1; i <n; i + +){for (int j = n-1; j> = i; j -){if (data [j] <data [j-1]) exchange (j, j-1);}}cout << "bubble sort is complete!" << endl;}
exchange_sort void (){for (int i = 0; i <n-1; i + +){for (int j = (i +1); j <n; j + +){if (data [i]> data [j]) Swap (i, j);}}cout << "exchange sort is complete!" << endl;}
selection_sort void (){int pos, i, j;for (i = 0; i <n-1; i + +){pos = i;for (j = i +1; j <n; j + +){if (data [j] <data [post]) pos = j;}if (post! = i) exchange (post, i);}cout << "selection sort is complete!" << endl;}
insertion_sort void (){int temp, i, j;for (i = 1; i <n; i + +){temp = data [i];j = i -1;while (data [j]> temp && j> = 0){data [j +1] = data [j];j -;}data [j +1] = temp;}cout << "insertion sort is complete!" << endl;}
void QuickSort (int L, int R) / / sort the best I've ever had :){int i, j;int mid;
i = L;j = R;mid = data [(L + R) / 2];
do{while (data [i] <mid) i + +;while (data [j]> mid) j -;
if (i <= j){exchange (i, j);i + +;j -;};} While (i <j);
if (l <j) QuickSort (L, j);if (i <R) QuickSort (i, R);}

void Input (){cout << "Enter the number of data ="; cin >> n;for (int i = 0; i <n; i + +){cout << "Enter data into the" << (i +1) << "="; cin >> data [i];data2 [i] = data [i];}}
void Show (){cout << "Data:" << endl;for (int i = 0; i <n; i + +){cout << data [i] << "";}cout << endl;}
AcakLagi void (){for (int i = 0; i <n; i + +){data [i] = data2 [i];}cout << "The data is scrambled!" << endl;}
void main (){int a pill;clrscr ();do{clrscr ();cout << "Sorting Program!" << endl;cout << "*********************************************" << endl;cout << "1. Input Data" << endl;cout << "2. Bubble Sort" << endl;cout << "3. Exchange Sort" << endl;cout << "4. Selection Sort" << endl;cout << "5. Insertion Sort" << endl;cout << "6. Quick Sort" << endl;cout << "7. Show Data" << endl;cout << "8. Random Data" << endl;cout << "9. Exit" << endl;cout << "Your choice:"; cin >> pill;switch (pill){case 1: Input (); break;case 2: bubble_sort (); break;case 3: exchange_sort (); break;case 4: selection_sort (); break;case 5: insertion_sort (); break;case 6: QuickSort (0, n-1);cout << "quick sort is complete!" << endl;break;case 7: Display (); break;case 8: AcakLagi (); break;}getch ();} While (pil! = 9);}

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

looping statement

The loop is a statement in programming where the program will repeat a statement or group for the condition is trueThe first iteration statement is a statement of the WHILEloopThis statement is useful for processing of a statement or a statement several timesduring the expression is truethe statement will be obtaining work.
while (expression)

 The first part will be executed during unkapan in a while is true.
 Penujian to unkapan in place before the while statement.
 The possibility of the while statement is not executed at all if it met the first condition is false.