Friday, June 29, 2012


Here are some definitions of the Access Point (AP) taken from various sources.
Access Point is a network device that contains a transceiver and antenna for transmitting and receiving signals to and from remote clients. With access points (AP) wireless clients can quickly and easily to connect to a wireless LAN network cabling.

Wireless Access Point (WAP / AP) is a device used to connect devices in a network, and from the network Wireless Router and Access Point is a two-function network appliances that work together to form a wifi signal transmitter unit. Access Point form a hot spot, while the Router set of traffic data. This tool is used for Internet Access in wifi.
Access point, access point, abbreviated to AP. A place that became the center of some of the connections are connected. This tool is also known as Cross Box. If viewed from the perspective of telephone connections, the Access Point is a box where the phone cable from the telephone subscribers connected. Similarly, if viewed from a computer network without wires (wireless), access point is a transmitter that connects computers that are connected with the network to reach a larger network (internet).
Access Point is a hub for wireless networks whether in the room, or on the network in the city. For the network in the city, the Access Point is usually at his place in the ISP are on the tower with a height of 20 meters or more.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

evolution of memory development

Stands for Single In-Line Memory Module, a module or a memory chip that is attached on one side of the PCB circuit. This type of memory has only a number of legs (pins) of 30 and 72 pieces.
30 pin SIMM form of FPM DRAM, widely used in the processor-based systems 386 and 486 final generation earlier generations. SIM pin 30 with a capacity of 1MB, 4MB and 16MB.
While the 70 pin SIMM can be either FPM DRAM and EDO DRAM is used together with the final generation of the processor 486 and Pentium. 70 pin SIMM is produced in the capacity of 4MB, 8MB, 16MB, 32MB, 64MB and 128MB.
In 1995, were created the kind of memory Extended Data Output Dynamic Random Access Memory (EDO DRAM), which is a refinement of the FPM. EDO memory read cycle can shorten it so that it can improve performance about 20 percent. EDO has an access time is quite variable, which is about 70ns to 50ns and working at a frequency of 33MHz to 75MHz. Although EDO is an improvement of FPM, but both can not be installed simultaneously, because of differences in ability. EDO DRAM memory is widely used in systems based on Intel 486 and Pentium compatibles as well as earlier generations.
Short for Dual In-Line Memory Module, a module or a memory chip that is placed on both sides of the PCB, each reversed. DIMM memory is produced in two different forms, namely the number of legs 168 and 184.
DIMM 168-pin can be either Fast Page, EDO and SDRAM ECC, with capacities ranging from 8MB, 16MB, 32MB, 64MB and 128MB. While the DIM pin of DDR 184 SDRAM.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012



Creating a hotspot or access point did not really make a difference denganm make the router, but on the plus to enable wireless and DHCP server on our router. But of course the equipment and complete facilities on the router to support the access point. So this means access point router to function as a server router, DHCP server and the wireless transmitter.

A. The first step is to install 2 dilakuakan yitu the first cable from the cable ISP WAN coming into the area and the cable leading to the client is installed on the LAN area (usually more than one for the LAN port)

2. Once the cable is then plugged into the new setting process is to open the internet browser on a client PC. Then to type defaults to IP so there is no user name and password. The contents of the admin user name and password then leave blank and enter

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Recursion is a programming technique that causes a function / procedure calls itself.Calling yourself this continues until the smallest limit value of the function is explicitly mentioned.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class pangkat{
      friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, pangkat&);
      friend istream& operator>>(istream&, pangkat&);
             void hasil(int b);
             int hasil1();
              float a,h;
              int p,i;

Thursday, May 10, 2012

example program sorting

# Include <iostream># Include <conio.h>
int data [100], data2 [100];int n;
void exchange (int a, int b){int t;t = data [b];data [b] = data [a];data [a] = t;}
bubble_sort void (){for (int i = 1; i <n; i + +){for (int j = n-1; j> = i; j -){if (data [j] <data [j-1]) exchange (j, j-1);}}cout << "bubble sort is complete!" << endl;}
exchange_sort void (){for (int i = 0; i <n-1; i + +){for (int j = (i +1); j <n; j + +){if (data [i]> data [j]) Swap (i, j);}}cout << "exchange sort is complete!" << endl;}
selection_sort void (){int pos, i, j;for (i = 0; i <n-1; i + +){pos = i;for (j = i +1; j <n; j + +){if (data [j] <data [post]) pos = j;}if (post! = i) exchange (post, i);}cout << "selection sort is complete!" << endl;}
insertion_sort void (){int temp, i, j;for (i = 1; i <n; i + +){temp = data [i];j = i -1;while (data [j]> temp && j> = 0){data [j +1] = data [j];j -;}data [j +1] = temp;}cout << "insertion sort is complete!" << endl;}
void QuickSort (int L, int R) / / sort the best I've ever had :){int i, j;int mid;
i = L;j = R;mid = data [(L + R) / 2];
do{while (data [i] <mid) i + +;while (data [j]> mid) j -;
if (i <= j){exchange (i, j);i + +;j -;};} While (i <j);
if (l <j) QuickSort (L, j);if (i <R) QuickSort (i, R);}

void Input (){cout << "Enter the number of data ="; cin >> n;for (int i = 0; i <n; i + +){cout << "Enter data into the" << (i +1) << "="; cin >> data [i];data2 [i] = data [i];}}
void Show (){cout << "Data:" << endl;for (int i = 0; i <n; i + +){cout << data [i] << "";}cout << endl;}
AcakLagi void (){for (int i = 0; i <n; i + +){data [i] = data2 [i];}cout << "The data is scrambled!" << endl;}
void main (){int a pill;clrscr ();do{clrscr ();cout << "Sorting Program!" << endl;cout << "*********************************************" << endl;cout << "1. Input Data" << endl;cout << "2. Bubble Sort" << endl;cout << "3. Exchange Sort" << endl;cout << "4. Selection Sort" << endl;cout << "5. Insertion Sort" << endl;cout << "6. Quick Sort" << endl;cout << "7. Show Data" << endl;cout << "8. Random Data" << endl;cout << "9. Exit" << endl;cout << "Your choice:"; cin >> pill;switch (pill){case 1: Input (); break;case 2: bubble_sort (); break;case 3: exchange_sort (); break;case 4: selection_sort (); break;case 5: insertion_sort (); break;case 6: QuickSort (0, n-1);cout << "quick sort is complete!" << endl;break;case 7: Display (); break;case 8: AcakLagi (); break;}getch ();} While (pil! = 9);}

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

looping statement

The loop is a statement in programming where the program will repeat a statement or group for the condition is trueThe first iteration statement is a statement of the WHILEloopThis statement is useful for processing of a statement or a statement several timesduring the expression is truethe statement will be obtaining work.
while (expression)

 The first part will be executed during unkapan in a while is true.
 Penujian to unkapan in place before the while statement.
 The possibility of the while statement is not executed at all if it met the first condition is false.

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Access Point serves as a regulator of the data traffic, allowing many clients to connect over a network (network).
as a Hub / Switch that acts to connect the local network with a wireless network / wireless, the access point is a data connection / internet emitted or transmitted via radio waves, measure the signal strength also affect the coverage area will be reached, the greater the signal strength (in units of measure dBm or mW) the more far-reaching.

 A. Multifunction Modes
A good wireless access point is able to work or operate in different operating modes: as an Access Point, Repeater, Bridge and Wireless Client. As a wireless access point (WAP), this device could allow the network LAN cable developed a wireless network by connecting to an AP is one of your LAN network port Ethernet Switch kesebuah eg to a modem or router directly.
The following figure is an example diagram of several operating modes AP

As the wireless bridge or wireless client, enabling the device with an Ethernet port to connect to your wireless network. With a wireless bridge you can connect a LAN to another LAN network through wireless connections between buildings for example. Or some network devices such as desktop computers, printers, notebooks, which are connected to a switch and connect the wireless bridge to connect to your wireless network.
While the wireless repeater, you can add AP to expand your wireless network without having to connect to the wired backbone network.